Constructor. A new B-tree has no allocation and zero items.
Destructor. All nodes cleared.
Not copyable.
Iterate over all keys in the tree.
Iterate over all keys and values simultaneously.
Iterate over all values in the tree.
Search the B-Tree for a key.
Is this B-Tree empty?
Insert item in tree.
Number of items in the B-Tree.
Search the B-Tree by key.
Search the B-Tree by key.
Erase an item from the tree.
Btree Range
Key type, must be comparable with less.
Value type.
Must be a strict inequality, orders all K.
Are duplicate keys allowed?
Are duplicate keys UB? When true, user MUST guarantee no duplicates and insert is faster.
Warning: keys don't need opEquals, but: !(a < b) && !(b > a) should imply that:
Vanilla B-Tree.
O(lg(n)) insertion, removal, and search time, much like the builtin associative arrays.
.init is valid, needs no initialization.